Friday, October 11, 2013

What's in my bag?...

I love when bloggers post a good ol' "What's In My Bag?" Well, here I am with the house to myself (and a cold, so I'm not going anywhere), so what better time to spread out all my stuff? The pics aren't perfect, I'm experimenting with my actual camera instead of my phone. But let's do this!


So here is said bag. It's HUGE. Not only is it exactly what I wanted, but I found it at TJMaxx with an insane discount! I have a lot of purses, but this one actually holds everything I want to have on me on a daily basis. Which means I really only carry *it*!


Here's my stuff! Mom-purse contents...soooo exciting, huh?
Center: case from Charlotte Russe. It's my med-kit.
Notepad~ Little Twin Stars

Clockwise from top:
Makeup kit~ a freebie from Origins. Snagged it from my mom!
Planner~ I MUST have a calendar. A school-age child generates *a lot* of info that needs keeping track of- no joke.
Card case~ Pandapple, from Uwajimaya.
Pens~ Sharpies FTW. Actually I love collecting any fun colored pens. I'm scared to carry gel pens though as I've had too many leak >.<
Wallet~ Hello Kitty x Wish Come True
Facial mist~ At the moment, Skinfood Red Orange Makeup Finish (Glossy).

In the makeup kit...everything I usually need to touch up, plus whatever lip things and perfume I'm using that day. On the right is a pocket mirror. With a. Baby. Jackalope. FTW. I love me some jackalopes. (Yetis, jackalopes...all kinds of mythical creatures!) It was actually a prize in a gift bag at a party I went to years ago. I wish I knew who the artist is that created the adorable little guy.

And now the far less glamorous med case! Which contains everything that's a PITA to carry in a smaller purse.
Go-Tubs with hand cream and emergency Benadryl 
Breath spray- Hello Grapefruit Mint. I never use breath spray, but bought it for the packaging and unique flavor.
Sanitizer- basic, almost no scent, for attacking boy-child hands
Rohto Ice eye drops
Rx hydrocortisone, asthma inhaler. Debated putting it in here because who wants to look at someone else's inhaler?! But it's tiny and cute LOL! They're usually bigger and clunkier.
Gee, can you tell I have some allergies? LOL. And my poor offspring has inherited all the enviro, histamine-crazed ones. I'm just grateful he doesn't have the killer peanut issue like me though! 
And that's my bag! 

1 comment:

  1. wahhh you have interesting items in your bag~ the little twin stars notepad is adorable!!♡

    (Join my blog International Giveaway ♡! 21 items- lots of Japanese makeup and beauty products including cosmetics from Diamond Beauty, Candydoll, Dollywink, etc!)
