Sunday, April 27, 2014

An actual dress...

Untitled #36

I have a wedding to go to in a few weeks and actually need to dress up. I never dress up. I own, like, two non-knit tops. The only skirts I currently wear are knit maxis (you know the ones- available everywhere, really cheap), and denim minis. In fact, my mom was so excited to hear that I NEEDED A DRESS that she bought me the dress AND shoes as a Mother's Day gift! So sweet!! (I haven't bought or made anything for her yet, but I usually give her Mother's Day gift to her when I visit in summer so I have time.)

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I heart spring oh so much. It smells good, it feels fresh and the sights and sounds are just so lovely. Our new apartment has a huge wetland right behind it so we hear red-winged blackbirds all day long. I try to start every day with a good sit'n'stare out the back window.
And last week...DOUBLE RAINBOW !!!

WTH is EK?

Hey, so every now and then you might see (read?) me mention "my EK". I've never actually met anyone who knew what it is and had to search awhile online before I found definitive information. So I wanted to share since it's something that affects some of my beauty posts. Nail pics to be exact.

What does it stand for?
EK= exfoliative keratolosis

What is it anyway?
EK is a syndrome which affects skin cell regeneration, usually on the hands and feet. Specifically, the cells' life cycle is dramatically short so the skin peels A LOT. Sometimes it's barely noticeable and other times your skin cracks and peels enough to make simple tasks really painful. Mine showed up on my fingertips when I was around 10. It's worst on my thumbs which is why I hide them in a lot of my nail pics. Ragged cuticles and giant hangnails are the norm.
(Fear not, there are no pics in this post!! LOL)