Thursday, December 12, 2013


I don't have much to post at the moment (well, I do, but hell if I'm going to try to write up a coherent review or try to post many photos right now.) I have the tenacious-snot-crud that's going around and OMG I feel *blehhhgth* Seriously, this germ will fuck you up, SW Washingtonians. Fortunately, the offspring seems to be shaking his off at last. So I'm just going to chat a bit!

In spite of the blehgth, the boyfriend and I managed to do quite a bit of Christmas shopping*\o/* I love shopping so much. I'm really very materialistic, but it's based on being a control freak about my environment. More of a "need that exact thing or I shall perish* rather than amassing mass quantities of crap. (Ok, some could say my haul posts reflect otherwise LOL. I'm overhauling aaaall the beauty things this year!) So I value quality (as I judge it) over quantity, consider for ages before I decide to buy something, and take very good care of all my preciouses! Besides, you really can't judge by the blog because it's a dumping ground for ALL THE FLOOF IN MY LIFE. kthx.

Aaaaanyway. We picked up an insane amount of Legos for the respective offspring AND I found two whole boxes of Series 11 blind box minifigs- let the yeti hunt begin! Yes, I stood there molesting the foil packaging feeling for him because I don't do blind blind boxes. (see control-freakiness above...) And I found him! I took a picture of him before we were even halfway home so I'll post it soon. I also got some Shaun White clothes for the Sprout which is his favorite line. DAFUQ? He's 11. An 11 year old brand snob. Let me tell you that gene clearly skips a generation. (His Uggs? Real. Gift from brand snob grandmother. I told him he better day-um well outgrow them before wearing them out!) But I like Target x Shaun. At least Sprout doesn't want Ralph or Tommy or Air Jordans (do they still exist?) which...I don't even. Not that other people don't look nice in those brands, but they are truly like a foreign costume to me. I certainly wear things that make people go "hmm" too!

As for my own outfits-of-the-days and coords and things, I would love to post some but I own no full-length mirror. #bloggershame. However I hope to get some pics while in front of the huge, fuckoff mirror in my mother's bathroom in a few weeks. Sprout and I are taking our first winter trip to TX in years! So excited!!

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